Sunday, December 11, 2011

Concluding One Word 2011

I cannot believe nearly a year has passed and 2011 is almost gone. My one word for the year was CHANGE. I had absolutely no idea how prophetic that would be or how God would use people and things in my life to CHANGE me so much.

God has required so much of me this year.

I have almost finished school. (January 6 is the big day)
Made new friends.
Said goodbye to old ones. (I miss you, Sara)
Learning to be quiet. (Keep my mouth shut and unnecessary comments to myself)
Learned sarcasm is not attractive or funny. (or a love language)

I still have many CHANGES to work out and keep working on. These are one day at a time, never give up, work in progress, kind of CHANGES.

I am really excited for 2012, and have really narrowed down my One Word selection. I think it is going to be as meaningful to me as 2011, if not more so.

What are your potential words for 2012?

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Over The Top

I have to say it.

The Women of Faith conference chose THE most appropriate title for their Kansas City, Missouri conference when they chose:


I do not even know where to start sharing the fabulousness of the past weekend. The speakers and musicians were as unbelievably unique and talented as they were diverse.

First, though, I have to share with you how I ended up at the Kansas City conference. As many of you know, I am a Booksneeze Blogger for Thomas Nelson Publishing. When the opportunity came up to apply to attend the Woman of Faith conference as a BB, I immediately jumped on it. I never really thought that they would pick me, but they did. The event I chose to attend, however, was in August and in Indianapolis, Indiana. The event date was the 18-19th, and on August 10th I had to have emergency surgery on my shoulder to repair a torn rotator cuff. Needless to say, attending the Indianpolis event was out of the question for me. I was devastated. I talked to the kind people at Booksneeze and Women of Faith. I was allowed to transfer my tickets to the Kansas City event. At the time, I had no idea why things would turn out the way they did. Now I can see that God's timing is perfect and I was supposed to be at this event, with my sister-in-law Stephanie, and hear these speakers and their messages.

Andy Andrews was straight up hilarious. I have not laughed that hard in a very long time. My ribs still ache four days later. Andy is a motivational speaker and best-selling author. He uses Godly principles to help people find and achieve their purpose in life. For all of Andy's A.D.D. and antics, he is a very wise guy. My favorite quote from him is this:

    "Fear is nothing but a misuse of the creative imagination God has placed inside of you."

For me, that is a huge realization. I learned much from Andy. As the only male speaker on the tour, his perspective was a treat.

Sandi Patty, Patsy Clairmont, Lisa Welchel, Brenda Warner and the fabulous Mandisa all seemed to be expressing a similar message. One that I believe God has been trying to get me to hear for awhile and I am just now beginning to receive. I am a little dense sometimes and have to be hit over the head with it before it sinks in.

There is much to be said about being quiet. 

To quote dear, sweet, Patsy "SHUT UP! In Jesus Name."  Proverbs 29:20 says "Do you see someone who speaks in haste? There is more hope for a fool than for them." 

I really think God overtook Patsy's little body that day and was speaking directly to me. Then Lisa started talking about friendship. How to be a friend as well as find one that is suitable for you. 

WOW! Talk about a wake up call. I am not a very trusting friend. Sure, I will let you in to a certain extent, but the really hard stuff...NOPE. I have really been hurt before and it is hard to trust after that. It is really no excuse, but there you have it. I also get anxious and say stupid things to show how "intelligent" I am. You know...that I am observant of my friends likes and dislikes, etc. then I really stick my foot in it.

So, along those lines, I have a confession to make. Most of you know I am a twitter-a-holic. One of my favorite tweeps is Mandisa. (@MandisaOfficial) I was so blessed to meet Mandisa at Women of Faith. I was so excited. Not for the usual reasons, though. Not because she is a fabulous and award-winning singer. (although that is so true) Not because she was on American Idol and gave Simon amazing grace after he was so incredibly rude to her. The reason I was so excited is because she is so positive and joyful. Mandisa is a role model for me because she has overcome crazy obstacles in life and come out so much better for what she has been through. I owe her a HUGE apology. She was so lovely, came up and gave me a hug once she found out who I was. Like the dork that I am, I made a seriously stupid comment on something that I had no business commenting on. 

On that note, Mandisa, I am so, so, sorry for my lack of judgement. Please forgive me. God is truly dealing with me and my learning to turn on the filter. It has been a hard learned, but much needed lesson.

Regardless of my major faux pas, I am so thankful for the opportunity to attend and learn from these amazing teachers. I think Amy Grant summed up the experience perfectly in the lyrics from her song "Better than a Hallelujah:"

"Beautiful the mess we are,
the honest cries,
and breaking hearts,
are better than a hallelujah sometimes."

*Thomas Nelson {Booksneeze} and Women of Faith provided complimentary event tickets for myself and a friend in exchange for review of aforementioned event.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


I can' t believe it is almost here! You know what i'm talking about, don't you?

The WOMEN OF FAITH: Over The Top in Kansas City.

It starts on Friday morning and i am going to be there with my friend (and sister-in-law) Stephanie. I am not sure if i am more excited about seeing the incredibly talented, wise, funny and diverse group of ladies who will be speaking, or getting to spend quality time with Stephanie, without our kiddo's and family hanging on our every word.

I am so blessed to be able to share this experience with Steph. She is so much fun. Our relationship has not always been easy. A lot of it has been my own insecurity. I am so thankful for her grace.

If you are attending this conference i will be tweeting at @PamelaSHunter using the hashtags #WOFOTT #BOOKSNEEZE Please feel free to look me up.

Choosing JOY,


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Ship high in transit...

Have you ever been so stressed you thought your head was going to explode and vomit erupt like lava from your neck?

Me too!

That is where i am at right now. I know that seems like a graphic description, but it is as close as i can come to giving you a visual picture of the ride i am on.

I will graduate from college on January 8, 2012.

I have finals tomorrow. After completing this round of finals, i will begin my last pair of regular classes. From what i understand, they are extremely difficult.

From there i have externship and clinical review. These two classes are pass or fail. There is no in between or second chance.

I also have a husband and three sons, one of which has autism spectrum disorder.

AND i live with debilitating chronic pain.

Most of the time it is easy ( or easier) for me to Choose Joy, like my friend Sara encouraged me so often.

Although, for the past two days, Ship High In Transit is what has been coming to my mind most often.

So, my questions for you are:

What is stressing you out?
Would you pray for my mental health this next ten weeks?

Friday, September 30, 2011

Honoring Sara

On Saturday, September 24, 2011, our sweet Sara went home to be with our Jesus. While i am sad that i will not hear her voice of wisdom again, or see her tweets in my timeline, i am beyond thankful to know she is home.

Sara loved to sing and dance, which she has not been able to do for a very long time. I can picture her up in heaven, her head thrown back, getting her praise on. Dancing around in circles.

The joy on her face: matchless.

The pain that riddled her body for so many years: gone.

As a way of honoring Sara, several of her blogger friends have decided to get permanent reminders of the mantra that she lived by:


While many of our friends went with a more traditional black tat, i decided to go for Saigon pink. There are several reasons for this. One being that since i am in the medical profession, i need it to be a bit more discreet. That's okay because its really for me and anyone who gets close enough to see it. Not for the sake of having a visible tattoo. The second reason is that it makes it unique. We also incorporated Sara's initials into it. That adds more sentimental value, along with the font being in her own handwriting. Lastly, i really like the color pink. Its simple, i know, but there it is. I am a girly girl at heart.
I hope that you can take time to get to know and love Sara (gitzengirl) as much as i do. Her blog is going to remain up on the interwebs, so i encourage you to sit down with Sara and visit for awhile.

She will change your life.

i know.

Because she has sure changed mine.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Me and Sara

The first time i "met" Sara was about two years ago, when the (In)Courage community was launched.
Sara and Adeline

I remember thinking at the time how impressed i was because Sara was completely home bound, with an incredibly painful, progressive disease, and she had the most amazing and positive attitude i have ever witnessed.

i was humbled. and convicted.

in the late 1990's i was diagnosed with several chronic pain disorders. i thought my life as i knew it was over. and it was. i was so self-centered and i couldn't understand why my husband and family didn't revolve their entire world around me and my pain. i almost lost my family and my marriage over it.

i didn't get that, yes, my world had changed, but that didn't mean that i had to change my personality with it.

until Sara.

Sara showed me that even though, your circumstances may be less than ideal, you can still be:


and that you can choose joy every day.

Sara is now on her journey to redemption. while i am incredibly sad, i will miss her wisdom, humor, and that unique perspective that only she can give, i am also thankful. thankful (and maybe even a little jealous) that she is going to meet our Jesus. He is going to hug her, and hold her, and she will know no pain. for that, i am eternally grateful.

if i have any regret, it would be that i never got to meet her face-to-face, or give her a hug. that's okay. i'll meet her soon enough, and hug her with all of my might, and be confident that it will not be painful for either of us.

i love you, Sara, and thank you for all that you are and have been, for me, and countless others.

God bless you and keep you until we meet again!

Thursday, September 15, 2011



It is not very often that I get the opportunity to review a new book prior to its release at a major creative conference. When Tim Schraeder announced on twitter that he was looking for a few people to help out with this project, I found I actually had margin in my schedule and was thrilled to offer to help out.

I have been extremely impressed by this collection of essays and stories, which are so full of wisdom and insight.Written by many of our leading church communication guru's, creatives, story tellers, techno-wizards, branding/marketing, and design folks, available to the modern Christian culture as we know it.

My favorite thing about this book is that it is like a D-I-Y book for churches and their leadership. There are chapters that speak to Technology and its place in the church (or in some cases, maybe not so much, and when to know the difference.) Talks about authenticity, branding and intentionally communicating your brand.

"Everything our churches do today forms the message we are ultimately communicating to the world." Tim Schraeder.

I love that throughout most all of this book, I felt like the collective authors were reading my mind. I am not a staff member at my church. I do volunteer regularly and am a PK, so I have a little more knowledge of the internal workings of the church as well as the knowledge that i really don't get much of an opinion or say so in how the services or ministries are run. It is very refreshing to find so many of today's forward thinking leaders in the church communication consortium with the same train of thought that I have,on many of the same issues.

There is so much information available in this book, that you will find it to be an invaluable resource, regardless of whether you are new to the church scene or been on staff for many years.

In accordance with the law I must disclose to you that I received a copy of this book, in exchange for reviewing it and posting my review on this website. I was not paid in any manner otherwise.

**I feel I must apologize for the disorganization of this post. I have to confess, I am quite distracted because i learned early this morning that one of my blogger friends, Sara Frankl, (@gitzengirl) is really sick. This is not new, news really. The part about "this is it, I'm going home soon" is what is new. There is a part in Tim's book that just keeps jumping out to me this day and i feel as though it has to be shared, as i believe it to be most appropriate in this situation: "Through bits, bytes, tweets and push notifications, the way we share our stories has changed dramatically. The way we interact and share information has found new forms and the very definition of things like friendship and community have new meaning as we connect and are "friends" with people we have never even met face-to-face."  Tim Schraeder. This sentiment is so true, yet has not had more meaning for me until today. I really do not know Sara all that well. I have not met her face-to-face, yet i feel like i have known Sara for years and she feels like a sister to me. A sweet sister.The response to the news that her time her on earth is short has been nothing less than amazing. to see twitter being the church has been overwhelming. With all of that being said, i believe it goes to the point that we can be the church regardless of whether we live 7 miles away or 700 miles away, so long as we are honoring Him.

Please join me in lighting a candle for @gitzengirl and saying a prayer for her before you lay down for your rest.


Monday, July 25, 2011

One Word 2011 (Part II)

Back in January i decided to participate in my friend Alece's challenge to find ONE WORD in 2011 that could define a goal for myself. Something i wanted to do differently or apply to my life to make a positive impact on the world around me.

Below is an update on how that has been going for me.

The word i chose was CHANGE.

Boy oh Boy...and change was what i was in for. i had no idea how i was to be stretched and challenged in the next several months that would follow.

i had no idea that i would have to completely change my way of thinking in order to adapt to being a college student again at age 43.

i never would have thought i would have to change every thing i thought i knew about parenting because my youngest son has Bipolar disorder, ASD/Aspergers syndrome, physically attacked me and tried to commit suicide.

i was not prepared for the news that my high school and home town were devastated and changed forever.  That so many of my friends would lose their homes, jobs, and we would all lose loved ones.

i also would not have had to change my reliance on my Heavenly Father.

My daddy.

The one who has carried me when i could not walk through this craziness on my own. The one who, despite all of my attempts to change the outcome of this mess i call life, loves me anyway.

So i'm going to keep on working on change. i think it is going to be just fine.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Women of Faith


I received an email yesterday informing me that I had been chosen to attend the Women of Faith Conference in Indianapolis on August 19-20, 2011 as a Book Sneeze Blogger.

Can you believe it? I am so pumped, right? I mean-this is a huge honor for me. After all, I am NOT a writer and although I try to blog, somehow I feel like it really is not my forte'.

So why would they want me to promote and write about this major women's event in the Christian world? 

I think maybe because I have a big mouth and I tweet a lot?!

What do you think?

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

A Prayer and A Comment!

So, we have been praying for Lisa and sending her encouragement for about a week now.  I talked with Sue last night, and she was hopeful that Lisa is going to  get to go home today.  I have not heard any news as of yet, so we'll keep praying for that to happen.

I am so grateful to everyone who has responded to the call for encouragement and prayer.  Cards and notes are starting to come in and Lisa is feeling so much LOVE! 

I was talking to Sue last night and got to thinking, we could take this to a whole new level by opening up the comments here on the blog to you all for the purpose of encouraging and loving Lisa into our saviors arms.

Sue is also going to do some guest posts to keep you all apprised of what is happening and the difference you are making for Lisa. (maybe even a picture or two, who knows?)

With all of that being said, we want to welcome you to "Something to Say", and encourage YOU to make a difference  in this one woman's life and death.

You are always welcome to mail are card or note to Lisa if that is your preference.

Lisa Bailey
3201 Dody Ave
Apartment 2
Michigan City, IN 46360

Happy Praying and Commenting!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

How YOU Can Make a Difference in One Woman's Life AND Death.

I have often heard the question asked "How can I make a difference? I am only one person."

The answer is really very simple. By being an example. By taking the lead. By spreading the word. By refusing to do nothing when you see a need.

We all have the ability to make a difference in someone Else's life, no matter how small it is. It does not need to be a grand gesture (although, if you have the means to do that, please do so if that's what you feel led to do) or a public display. It can be as simple as saying a prayer for and sending a card to a woman who is dying of cancer, and is feeling like the world has forgotten her.

Please join the movement to show Lisa that LOVE really does WIN and its not just a catchphrase used by some to look hip and relevant. Who, when the chips are down, won't (or can't) put their money where their mouth's are.

We are asking that you say a prayer for Lisa and send her a card or note of encouragement.  Its that easy. If you can't send a card, then please say a prayer. If you send a card, all we ask is that you note where you are from and what church you attend (if you do).  We also  ask that you DO NOT send get well soon sentiments.( i realize this should go without saying, but to avoid any confusion :)

Please read more about Lisa's story here and here. You can write to Lisa at the address below. Sue P. will make sure that any correspondence is delivered to her at the hospital.

Lisa Bailey
3201 Dody Ave
Apartment 2
Michigan City, IN 46360

To those of you who have already responded, God bless you and thank you! You will never know how much you have impacted Lisa's life. A Big shout out to my man "The Flower Boy" JZ! There is no one like you, and that's a shame. You are one of the most loving, generous and thoughtful people i know, and i am forever blessed and thankful to call you friend! YOU ROCK!!!

Peace, love and JOY!

Friday, February 25, 2011

UPDATE: Send a card and Say a Prayer!

I would like to thank everyone for their amazing response to the cause for care of our sweet sister Lisa.

I learned that she is going to have to remain hospitalized through the weekend, including her Big Birthday. The Dr. found a blood clot in her arm.  This is very disappointing. Who wants to spend their birthday in the hospital, right?

So,for anyone who feels inclined, if you prefer to send a note of encouragement instead of a birthday card, please feel free to do so. Lisa's son will be taking any mail she receives to her at the hospital. I personally would love to see the walls of her room so full of cards, that one cannot tell the paint color!

Let that be my challenge to you! If you have a compassion group, or friends that like to write cards, please feel free to invite them to participate. The more the merrier is what I say!

God Bless you all.
Peace, love and JOY!

Thursday, February 24, 2011


Lisa and "our" dog Izzy
Many of you may remember a series of posts I did this time last year about my friend *Sally.
First off, let me start by unmasking the infamous *Sally… Her real name is Lisa Bailey.

Lisa has been battling cancer for years. She was in remission for awhile, thought to be cured, only to find that it had reappeared in a new location. For the last year or so, most everything the Drs. have tried, Lisa has had an adverse reaction to. Lisa has been a part of our family for as long as I can remember. She attended high school with my mom’s youngest twin sisters.

I want to share an email I received this morning from my aunt regarding Lisa and her situation, and then I would like to share with you how you can help:

“I just got a call from Lisa Bailey, she is in St. Joseph Med Center in Mishawaka. Her oncologist came in this morning and gave her more bad news. The cancer has spread to her nerves and to her right leg. He is recommending one more (and the last he can offer) round of chemo...guaranteeing no side effects and hair loss to her. She has a big decision to make. Please pray for peace and the right decision for her. She has reactions to most everything she is put on and really, really needs our prayer support. She is pretty much alone and is losing her life at a fast pace. Please pray with me and rally around her with me.
Thank you in advance for your prayer support and for standing in the gap for Lisa with me.
In His Service and for His glory,
Sue Prybylla”

This is the part where you come in. Lisa’s 50th birthday is on February 27th. I am asking you all to do two things for her.

1. Pray for her in earnest.
2. Send her a birthday card/note of encouragement.

On it please include the city, state, and church (if you have one) that you attend.

My goal in this is that Lisa will feel so well loved that she cannot contain it, and that is what she remembers as she leaves this world and enters His Kingdom.
No one deserves to feel alone when they are dying.


Thank you all in advance for your prayers and your help on Lisa’s behalf.

Lisa’s address is: Lisa Bailey
                          3201 Dody Ave
                          Apartment 2
                          Michigan City, IN 46360

Please help us to be the church to Lisa and show her once again that we are not all defined by one certain group of people who are gathered within a particular building.  We are ALL His hands and feet.

Peace, Love and JOY!

ps. When Lisa moved from her house into the apartment, she could not take Izzy with her. She had also come to the point physically where she could no longer care for him like he needed to be cared for, so Izzy came to live with me. He has become such an integral and loving part of our family. He also provides a lot of our comic relief.

Friday, January 7, 2011


My friend Alece tweeted on New Years Day about the one word "resolution," if you will, that she was planning on focusing on for 2011.

After seeing that tweet, and thinking about it for a week, i believe I've come up with one word that i can focus on and apply to several areas of my life.

My One Word for 2011 is CHANGE.

Change the way i think and feel about myself and others. Do i see people from a Christ like perspective?

Change my spending habits. Am i a good steward of what God has entrusted to me?

Change how i impact the world around me.

Am i being the hands and feet of Christ?

Am i caring for the widows and the poor? 

The marginalized?

Am i being the change i want to see in the world?

Am i part of the solution, the cause for Christ or am i contributing to the problem, the stereotype?

I'm a little frightened. Change can be a scary thing.

Change can also be a good thing.

What is your One Word for 2011?