I was reading my friend Carols blog and was struck by what she had to say about "loving one another".
Several years ago someone suggested to me to substitute my name for the word love in verses 4-7 of 1 Corinthians 13:4-8. (which looks something like this)
pamela is patient (sometimes)
pamela is kind (usually)
pamela does not envy or boast (me? nevah)
pamela is not arrogant or rude (guilty as charged)
pamela does not insist on her own way (ditto)
pamela is not irritable or resentful (thats me before 10 am AND caffeine)
pamela does not rejoice at wrongdoing (ouch)
pamela rejoices at the truth (yes i do)
as i write these words, i am convicted by how far i've come and by how very far i still have to go.
i am so very thankful that :
Love bears all things.
Love believes all things.
Love hopes all things
Love endures all things.
Mar 1, 2010 11:35:00 AM
Carol Donnelson said...
Pamela: Awesome plus! You are so precious! I knew you were a fabulous loving person! Thank you! Love is what has kept me married to my hubby forty-two years! He is the MAN!!!!!!! I appreciate so much your encouragements. You constantly make my days, days and nights, and weeks and months!!! Whew!!!! That's a lot of gift you have there, dear one!!!!!! Again, thanks!
Thank you Sweet Sister! you are the encourager of encouragers! am sooo very thankful that God had a man and a plan for your life, and has used it so you could encourage others that He has a plan for theirs! keep on Rawkin it Sister♥
Our pastor had this in his sermon last year and it was so convicting. Thanks for the reminder! Aine :)
@Aine~ Amen Sister! convicting the first time i heard it and equally so as i wrote the blog. think i might type it up and post it on my wall as a constant reminder♥
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